I saw this post the other day on Quora.

I read it in my head with the voice of a snotty 13 year old. It was like “Mom, do you really think Facebook is cool anymore?” *eye roll*

And as most parents feel, I just wanted to smack them. But of course, as a responsible parent, I decided the best route was to teach.

I don’t need to “think” social media works for small business.

Social media works for small business. Period.

Accept it.

Accept it the same way, we accepted that we don’t need Rolodex’s anymore.


That’s the way it is homeslice. (Ok, that didn’t stay, I need to accept that)

Numbers don’t lie. Social Media Stats 2018

— these markets are too huge to ignore.


They hang out there. And what better way to sell your product or service then to bring it right to your audience? Just like cell phones to smartphones, social media has evolved.

No longer is just having a Facebook page enough.

No longer is just posting enough. (looking at you ever changing algorithms)

And no longer (or ever) are “likes” or “followers” enough.

It’s up to YOU to learn your audience.

Social Media allows you to tailor your message

Unlike TV, radio, and billboards that give your message to everyone with the hope that one of them is your potential customer, with social media, you can choose who your message gets to.

Sell a service for homeowners, then why spend precious efforts selling to renters?

With social media, you don’t have to.

When done right, social media:

But it isn’t magic. Being on social media alone doesn’t magically bring customers. As with any marketing, it needs a strategy and a plan.

If you say “It doesn’t work”, you’re doing it wrong.

Know your target audience

If your message is trying to catch everyone, you’ll end up talking to no one. Social media is personal. Know your audience and speak about what matters to them. This is not about you.

Stop selling the sock, talk about warm feet.

People aren’t on social media to be sold to. You need to find ways to add value while competing with aunt Martha’s cat photos and Gina’s engagement pictures (yeah, the one where she’s wearing that awful dress, ick!). You must bring enough value to their feed to engage them.

Forget about any platform that doesn’t matter.

A lot of small businesses think that social media is about “being everywhere.” But the truth is, if Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram deliver the best results, then focus on that before expanding into a new platform. Choose the platform where your target audience gathers most and consciously be there. Be involved, know how it works, become good at it. Half assed efforts are extremely transparent and can make you lose consumer trust and confidence.

It’s better to be full-assed in one place than half-assed everywhere.

What are you really here for anyway?

Ryan Deiss at Digital Marketer explains that social media for business consists of 4 goals. You need to be clear on your specific goals and make sure that your efforts are focused with that target in mind. Below are the four social media goals your tactics should fall into.

Social Media Listening

Monitoring and responding to customer service and reputation management issues on the social web

Social Selling

Generating Leads and sales from existing customers and prospects on the social web

Social Influencing

Establishing authority on the social web, often through distribution and sharing of valuable content.

Social Networking

Finding and associating with authoritative and influential individuals and brands on the social web

Remove Social from the word and you have “Marketing”

Does Marketing work for small business? Social is just another avenue. A highly customizable, affordable, trackable avenue full of your potential customers.

So yes, it does work.

All you have to do is not screw it up.

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