3 ingredient, 1 minute cake. And yes, it was delicious.
It took 3 ingredients to make this cake.
- A quick lesson
- Willingness to Try
- Execution
Ok, technically it was 1 banana, 1tsp of cinnamon, and 1 egg.
I’m not a baker.
I don’t know a lot (read: any) baking rules.
Traditional bakers would probably be pissed that I even called this a cake.
But you know what?
It was delicious. It was fast. And it was a SUCCESS for me. (and my husband’s sweet tooth)
We keep thinking we need to know it all before we leap. We worry we don’t have all the pieces.
So we end up doing nothing.
We succumb to analysis paralysis. We become a walking version of the quote “The only sure way to fail is by not trying at all”
I won’t be teaching a baking class anytime soon. But I enjoyed the fruits of my labor immediately.
I learned some adjustments that I’ll implement next time.
And best of all, I got to eat dessert.
So take the leap. Make that first step towards your dream.
Take imperfect action.
It might just be the most delicious thing you ever do.